- Started your own blog- I've got 2 professional and one personal. Guess which is which.
- Slept under the stars - done this in my mis-spent youth. Wouldn't do it now if I was paid.
- Played in a band
- Visited Hawaii - loved it. Want to go back. NOW!
- Watched a meteor shower - The Perseids at our property in Colville, Washington. When you are 11 miles from any city lights at 3300 feet in elevation this is an awesome show.
- Given more than you can afford to charity - We give every month but have never beggared ourselves doing it. Maybe, it is time to up the ante.
- Been to Disneyland - once as a child and once as an adult. Love, love, love Disneyworld.
- Climbed a mountain - several. I lived on a mountain.
- Held a praying mantis
- Sang a solo - Not in front of a crowd. Trust me, no one wants that.
- Bungee jumped - not in this lifetime.
- Visited Paris - big dream
- Watched a thunder and lightning storm- I've seen them in the mountains, plains, coast, and desert. Nothing beats the desert.
- Taught yourself an art from scratch - I taught myself to paint and draw about 3 years ago.
- Adopted a child
- Had food poisoning - OMG Yes! and never ever want to have it again.
- Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
- Grown your own vegetables - every chance I get.
- Seen the Mona Lisa in France
- Slept on an overnight train
- Had a pillow fight
- Hitch hiked - another mis-spent youth thing. Even had to jump out of a moving car to avoid one really handsy driver.
- Taken a sick day when you’re not ill - duh.
- Built a snow fort
- Held a lamb
- Gone skinny dipping
- Run a Marathon
- Ridden in a gondola in Venice
- Seen a total eclipse
- Watched a sunrise or sunset- yep, best time to take pictures.
- Hit a home run
- Been on a cruise
- Seen Niagara Falls in person
- Visited the birthplace of your ancestors - how far back are we going? The ones in the U.S., yes. The ones in Scotland or France, nope.
- Seen an Amish community
- Taught yourself a new language - can read and understand French and Spanish. Not quite as good with the speaking apart. Who's idea was it to roll your "Rs".
- Had enough money to be truly satisfied - Most times?
- Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
- Gone rock climbing - yes but I refuse to repel back down. Scared the crap out of me.
- Seen Michelangelo’s David
- Sung karaok - sadly
- Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt - very powerful
- Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
- Visited Africa
- Walked on a beach by moonlight - The beaches in Washington rarely have moonlight. Does cloudlight count?
- Been transported in an ambulance - worse feeling in the world.
- Had your portrait painted - mis-spent youth again.
- Gone deep sea fishing- Was a bait girl on a salmon boat as a kid. The tips were great but the smell was nasty.
- Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
- Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
- Gone scuba diving or snorkeling - in Hawaii. I truly want to do it again.
- Kissed in the rain
- Played in the mud
- Gone to a drive-in theater - made out with JR in the backseat just for old times sake!
- Been in a movie
- Visited the Great Wall of China
- Started a business - owned a coffee roasting business.
- Taken a martial arts class - as a kid.
- Visited Russia
- Served at a soup kitchen
- Sold Girl Scout Cookies- Hell Yes. Sold enough to get into trouble at camp.
- Gone whale watching - from our condo in Maui.
- Got flowers for no reason - JR brings me flower just because he feels like it.
- Donated blood, platelets or plasma - would if I could.
- Gone sky diving
- Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
- Bounced a check - I try never to do this.
- Flown in a helicopter
- Saved a favorite childhood toy - unfortunately no.
- Visited the Lincoln Memorial - Oh yes and plan to do so again on March 19th.
- Eaten caviar - I don't eat it anymore but I use to love this stuff.
- Pieced a quilt - yep.
- Stood in Times Square.
- Toured the Everglades
- Been fired from a job
- Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
- Broken a bone - collar bone playing football.
- Been a passenger on a motorcycle - Many times. My dad owned a motorcycle.
- Seen the Grand Canyon in person - several times. Most recently about 18 months ago.
- Published a book
- Visited the Vatican
- Bought a brand new car - first one about 23 years ago. Won't ever do it again. It's not the best financial move.
- Walked in Jerusalem
- Had your picture in the newspaper - yep
- Kissed a stranger at midnight on New Year’s Eve - yes, but I don't kiss and tell.
- Visited the White House - yes, stood in line forever. While making fun of the secret service. Good way to get yourself frisked, BTW.
- Killed and prepared an animal for eating - gawd no!
- Had chickenpox - yep.
- Saved someone’s life
- Sat on a jury
- Met someone famous - we don't want to go here.
- Joined a book club - I'm in a constant book club.
- Got a tattoo - at 47. Love it!
- Had a baby - two beautiful boys.
- Seen the Alamo in person - just took a friend there in October.
- Swam in the Great Salt Lake
- Been involved in a law suit
- Owned a cell phone - too many
- Been stung by a bee - a couple of times.
I remember so many of my friends breaking collar bones as a child. That doesn't seem to be as common nowadays. What were we all doing as children that they aren't doing now? Moving??? LOL
ReplyDeleteYou have a condo on Maui? I think we need to talk.
ReplyDeleteMAW: It was a rental. Sad I know.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to be spit on, watch me roll my R's. You're right, whose idea WAS that?
ReplyDeleteI tried to do 100 things once and could only get to 96...it's really rather hard.
ReplyDeleteYou did well, by the way.
I think I've actually done this one before. And why would you visit Paris and not go see the Mona Lisa?
ReplyDeleteAs soon as I see "Mary at Unmitigated" I shut down and run for cover.
ReplyDeleteAs soon as I see "Mary at Unmitigated" I shut down and run for cover.
ReplyDeleteYou need a blog called, "My misspent youth", sounds like you have plenty of material