I do love to garden. Maybe, not stand behind a plow or anything type gardening. More like Gentlewoman type gardening. You know, little plots of dirt with salad fixings, herbs and maybe a zucchini plant or two. We are definitely not talking production gardening. I went out of the "puttin' up for the winter" stuff years ago. But if I ever got a wild hair and decided to stand behind a plow I would always wear my hat with the bells on it. One has to have standards.

That would be me standing at the table cooking. Obviously, things like manners have been pretty lax in my kitchen. From now on I want everyone that comes into my kitchen to tip their hat at me. Smiling would be nice. Clubs are optional.

This looks vaguely like every party I've ever given; lots of eating, drinking and talking. I'm okay with that but what I object to is the wearing of silly hats. We don't wear silly hats when we drink. It wouldn't be right. It wouldn't be convenient. They would fall off. Into our drink and that is what is wrong with wearing silly hats while drinking.
Disclaimer: It was agreed that the images below should be shown for entertainment value only and should not be taken to reflect any type of behavior on the part of the blog owner, blog owner's spouse or blog owner's family. Any correlation to the blog owner's life, real or imagined, is flatly denied. That's my story and I'm sticking with it.

Any of these images parallel your life? Except the torture one. Remember...fingers in the ears.
I'd be the barefoot one at the party.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I love your header!
I wear bells and funny hats as often as possible.
ReplyDeleteI can relate to the torture one, but no need to stick your fingers in your ears - it's simply how I feel every time I look at my teenager's bedroom.
This is so cool I had to look it up. The book is called "Ship of Fools" and evidently was a big hit in Europe and went into several translations way back in the 1500s! Love the library guy in Elvis Costello glasses.
ReplyDeleteIt just goes to show that there is nothing new under the sun. Love the booties.
ReplyDeleteThat second to last one sort of looks like how my week went. Metaphorically speaking, anyway.
ReplyDeleteThose drawings are GREAT. I should do a series with modern "morals"...