
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ice Cream Sandwiches

I was horribly productive last night. I always am when I'm under deadlines. Any other time I strive for a balance between complete sloth and non-productive idleness.
Oh Sure you say, anybody can be lazy but can they make it look like they're not.
What can I say.
It's a gift.

So last night, (under duress I might add), I came home from work, made the homeboys dinner, grocery shopped for what seemed like 6 hours, put everything away (cause JR would like to help but he'd just be in the way and Oh BTW honey, there's a game on), and made homemade ice cream.

This morning I put together 80 of these little babies (is it any wonder I used store bought cookies), ran to the store to get a couple of things I forgot, took pictures, blogged, and got ready for work.
I'm exhausted!
I just can't keep up this pace!

The reason for all this frenzied activity is a co-worker is leaving and we are giving her a party today.

I hope everyone likes these. The ice-cream didn't set up very well. I probably used too much whole milk. I'm not making another batch.
I'm not,
I'm not,
I'm not!
(Envision me stomping my feet please)


P.S. Sorry for the whining. I wasn't able to fit painting in there and that always makes me cranky.

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